Tag: Real Estate

Posted on 12/05/2021
Commercial Real Estate: How to Choose a Developer
When you’re looking into starting a residential or commercial property construction or renovation project, having a highly qualified real estate developer at your side is important. Real estate developers handle real estate projects, whether it’s developing land for commercial use or renovating houses that are in poor condition. Hiring a real estate developer means you’ll have an experienced...
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Posted on 07/12/2020
How to Find the Best Green Home Builder
Are you familiar with “green” home builders? They are contractors who construct homes from sustainable or renewable products. These green home builders use durable materials in building all kinds of homes ranging from individual bungalows to expansive, real estate developments. Just like traditional builders, they handle diverse types of construction but build in a way that minimizes waste....
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Posted on 11/10/2019
Reasons You May Not Want to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early
Deciding not to pay off ahead on your mortgage can be a decision made because you want to divert your cash to another investment. If you have an investment that is certain to yield interest or because you have a certain way you have planned your finances, paying the full mortgage earlier than due has no place on...
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Posted on 09/15/2019
Buying And Selling Real Estate With An Agent
All you need to know when you are buying or selling a home and what your rights are if you are not satisfied with the outcome.The stress that comes with making a mistake in the buying and selling process of a home is overwhelming most times. It is vital you take enough time to research homes if you...
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Posted on 08/25/2019
How to Negotiate the Deal When Buying a House
Buying or selling a house is one of the most significant financial transactions because in most cases, it involves spending a considerable amount of money. Getting the best possible deal is important to make sure that you are getting value for your money and not overspending unnecessarily. To negotiate a better arrangement when purchasing a house, you need...
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Posted on 08/18/2019
What is the Cost of Living Index?
You hear about this magic "cost-of-living index" number, but where does it come from and how can you use it to improve your real estate experience? The cost of living index is a numerical measurement of the relative cost to live in a specific geographic region. There are a lot of economic formulas out there, but it basically...
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Posted on 05/26/2019
Did Your Offer Get Rejected?
Buying a home can be frustrating, time-consuming and tiring. It requires patience on your part as a buyer. There are process and procedures you need to go through after you decide to buy a house but before the ownership of a home becomes yours. Getting a house that you love and would meet all your demands can be...
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